Accelerating businesses through

Education Application Transformation



We not only offer solutions that will transform business but we also provide access to our community and partners who think like us.

You not only become our client but a part of the thriving community that offers resources, coaching, and support to a successful blueprint. Get your business to hit the ground running.

Emerging Technology Consulting

Benefits: We help businesses identify pain points and opportunities how blockchain and AI can benefit their enterprise, and offer strategically viable solutions tailored to your business model.

Software Infrastructure Integration

Benefits: We architect and implement secure blockchain networks and utilize third-party blockchain platform APIs to create a customized infrastructure for your transaction-heavy business.

Smart Contracts Development

Benefits: Deploy blockchain code to your infrastructure and keep track of everything in real time.

dApps Development

Benefits: We architect and implement secure blockchain networks and utilize third-party blockchain platform APIs to create a customized infrastructure for your transaction-heavy business.

Custom AI Application Development

Benefits: Tailor your digital transformation with our Custom AI Application Development. We build AI applications unique to your business needs, driving innovation and operational efficiency.

AI-Enhanced Cybersecurity

Benefits: Elevate your digital defense with our AI-Enhanced Cybersecurity. Proactively protect your digital assets from evolving cyber threats with our advanced AI security solutions.

AI-Powered Customer Experience Enhancement

Benefits: Revolutionize your customer engagement with AI-Powered Experience Enhancement. Our tools personalize customer interactions, fostering stronger relationships and driving business growth.

AI-Driven Predictive Analytics

Benefits: Dive into the future of business intelligence with our AI-Driven Predictive Analytics. Our solutions process complex data to forecast market trends and customer behaviors, offering you strategic advantages in decision-making.


Now Lets Educate Apply & Transform

To curate and represent the creative works and applications of an individual or company is no easy task. ATBN is here to help businesses expand their current tech and give solutions to new and current business model. ATBN has a team of Web 3 developers who all specialize in different blockchains to offer masterpieces to any size business. Our team has deep experience and passion to working across all major NFT marketplaces, and cryptocurrency exchanges. We couple this with a strong background rooted in business development, innovative technology, research development, and education. We are looking to transform the world with smart solutions that create paradigm shifts and business evolution with the our blockchain solutions.


Financal Services CRM & AI Assistant

A local restaurant offered incentives to their customers through scanning a QR code that gives access to secrete menu and promotions. These promotions give free and discounted items on the menu based on previous purchases all tracked through blockchain tech.

mexican cuisine restaurant

A local restaurant offered incentives to their customers through scanning a QR code that gives access to secrete menu and promotions. These promotions give free and discounted items on the menu based on previous purchases all tracked through blockchain tech.


A mainstream clothing designer that increased apparel sales by incorporating blockchain technology using QR Codes and Blockchain. Designs of newly inspired line of clothing that connects fashion and blockchain technology to push the envelop of future trends.


This museum is transcending what it means to display history and culture to their community through Augmented Realty/Virtual Reality application, community NFT, Course creation and Smart Contracts to control the flow of funding and to incentivize the community. The icing the cake…Our solution provided an extra revenue stream.


Club will allow access restricted to VIP clients only if they have a club issued NFT in their crypto wallet. For access and bottle purchases the more bottle purchased over time from a client will lead to additional promotion such as discounted sections, discounted bottles, and free entry.


Keep up-to-speed with all the latest trends in digital. Check out our events, join our Discord, sign-up for our Newsletter.

Did you know?

Blockchain market is expected to simplify the business processes and change the way big data is approached in the future. According to a report by Markets and Markets, the global blockchain market size is likely to grow USD 39.7 billion by 2025, at an impressive Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 67.3% during 2020–2025.

73% of executives agree they will lose their competitive advantage if they don’t adopt blockchain. (Source: Deloitte)

In addition to this general agreement on the importance of blockchain, there is an overall belief, or should we say fear, among executives that unless their companies adopt blockchain technology, they will lose competitive advantage.

More than half (57 percent, to be precise) of blockchain funding in Q2 of 2022 went to Web3 startups, reaching 3.7 billion USD out of 6.5 billion USD.


Why should I choose ATBN?

We prioritize our clients, partners, and community. We value education first, and provide value through resources and consulting in blockchain, AI, and emerging technologies. For ATBN we not only offer solutions but a lifetime of engagement to take advantage of growing resources and partnership long after development. Our motto is “Now let’s (E)ducate (A)pply and (T)ransform".

What services ?

We prioritize our clients, partners, and community. We value education first, and provide value through resources and consulting in blockchain, AI, and emerging technologies. For ATBN we not only offer solutions but a lifetime of engagement to take advantage of growing resources and partnership long after development. Our motto is “Now let’s (E)ducate (A)pply and (T)ransform".

What is the project process?

ATBN’s onboarding process begins with

1) Discovery call to get to know your business and understand your vision.
2) Provide guidance and align our solutions with your business needs
3) Set expectations for project implementation.
4) Perform client walkthrough of operations, systems, etc.
5) Execute project implementation, provide maintenance, and update as needed per agreement.

What is Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)?

Artificial Intelligence, commonly abbreviated as AI, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. AI encompasses a range of technologies and methods, including machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics, enabling machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks can include problem-solving, recognizing patterns, understanding and responding to language, and making decisions.

AI is not just about programming machines to perform tasks; it's about equipping them with the ability to learn, adapt, and improve from experience, thereby enhancing their performance over time. In the context of business, AI is used to streamline operations, personalize customer experiences, analyze data, and drive innovation, ultimately leading to more efficient, intelligent, and informed decision-making.

Can ATBN add AI or Web3 to my existing website?

Yes, ATBN integrates existing "Web2" platforms to Web3 with blockchain services like smart contracts, wallets, and automations. We offer a migration strategy based on you current environment and work with you to assure that each section of your business can take advantage of AI and blockchain technology.

How much does it cost to create an app?

It varies. The cost of blockchain app development, much like any other app development cost, depends on numerous factors like the uniqueness of initial requirements, complexity, the number of user roles, the type of blockchain solution, smart contracts inclusion, industry compliances, AI limitations, etc. Our first step is to analyze your business and get a detailed estimation of a blockchain/ AI. See our pricings here

What is Web3?

One of the common definitions for web3 paints it as the third generation of the internet, which lets users take complete control over their data. From the technical perspective.

It actually refers to a collection of technologies that can empower decentralization, transparency, and equity in internet usage.Web3 aims to drive the future of the internet on peer-to-peer networks such as distributed storage solutions and blockchain technology. Blockchain networks could provide the support of smart contracts to facilitate the execution of transactions without the need for personal trust or intermediaries.

The decentralized, peer-to-peer infrastructure followed for web3 technologies challenges the conventional centralized approaches for creating, storing, sharing, and monetizing data.

What is blockchain?

A collection of records (transactions), linked together, which are strongly resistant to alteration and protected using cryptography. Basically a huge spreadsheet of transactions that everyone has access to and also has the same copy of.

Why is Blockchain important?

Blockchain moves the world towards decentralized, autonomous, Web3 reality by offering:

A more transparent and secure environment.
Safeguarded digital assets via tokenization.
Added protection from potential flaws and tech issues.
Optimized ROIs for businesses.
Faster transactions between parties.
Decreased data storage costs.

What is a smart contract?

A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. The code and the agreements contained therein exist across a distributed, decentralized blockchain network. The code controls the execution, and transactions are trackable and irreversible.

What are NFT’s?

Non Fungible Tokens can be used as marketing tools, investment vessels, code generated contracts and much more. The art you see on top may have more meaning behind the code and community.

How do royalties work in Blockchain?

Royalty systems are currently provided by marketplaces that do business on top of the Ethereum blockchain (or other blockchains). When creating listings for your work, artists can build in royalties. Each marketplace has its own rules and options for setting and paying royalties. Some royalties can be initiated in the original mint. (This can be helpful to the artist/businesses).

Royalties are typically a percentage of a full transaction amount. For instance, a 5% royalty on a $1000 music license would be $50. The same structure is true for NFTs.